2023-06-27 20:00:00

____________________________________________________________ VELIKO PRIZNANJE RADA NAŠE KOLEGICE

Naša učiteljica Ana Sever Šeni je dobila veliko priznanje za svoj predani rad s učenicima.

Svi smo ponosni na našu kolegicu.


Dear Ana Sever Šeni,

Congratulations! Your school has been awarded the European Quality Label for the work in the eTwinning project "Dan jabuka 2021." and  "100. dan u školi 2022./100th day at school". This means that your work, the work of your students and the collaboration with your partners met the Quality Label Framework criteria and received a high score.

As a result you will receive a certificate which you can disseminate in your website(s) and display in a prominent position in your school. Also, your project will be featured in a special area on the European School Education Platform.

Once again congratulations and we hope you continue organising high quality projects with other eTwinning teachers.

With our best regards,
The eTwinning Team



Osnovna škola Dragutina Tadijanovića Zagreb